Friday, 27 June 2014

shawwal 1434H



Taqabbalallahu minna wa minkum. May Allah accept our deeds in the succeeding month of Ramadhan. 

I deeply apologise for my wrongdoings, my hey-it's-not-nice-to-blog-something-like-that, my words... basically my everything. Hehe.

Recently, I wrote a Niexter article on Eid Etiquette. Thought I'd share it here.

The Dos and Dont's of Eid-ul-Fitr are highlighted. 

Eid Etiquette

Eid-ul-Fitr would be one of the meritorious aspects of Shawal, the month succeeding Ramadhan. During this prosperous time of the year, Islam has prescribed an elegant approach of celebrating. There are several do's and don't's when observing this day.

First and foremost, wake up early. It is recommended to take a bath after dawn for Eid prayer. Put on your best clothes. For Malaysians, the customary practice would be to wear baju kurung, baju kebaya or jubah. The men would have their baju Melayu's on. Don't overdress! You're not going to a birthday party, afterall.

Before going out to the mosque with your family, have breakfast. You may opt for some good, mouth-watering ketupat or rendang if you like. However, it is narrated that the Prophet would consume dates and they are usually odd-numbered. Eating in the morning emphasizes the fact that the one-month fasting in Ramadhan has ended. Besides, it is forbidden to fast on the first of Shawwal.

Ever wondered about the calls that you hear in the morning? That's the takbeer! Takbeer starts from the night before Eid. Whether you're in the car or simply on foot to the mosque, recite takbeer. The moment the Imam enters to lead Eid prayer, the period of takbeer would end.

Once you're at the mosque, you would witness a huge number of Muslims gathered in different hues of traditional attires. Offer Eid prayer in congregation. This once-in-a-year prayer may be performed at any time between sunrise until the sun reaches its zenith. Preferably, Eid prayers are to be performed at a conducive open field. Nevertheless, it can also be done in a mosque that can accommodate plenty of people.

An obligation for every adult Muslim that has more wealth than that of the amount they need is to pay Zakat-al-Fitr. Normally, our parents pay on behalf of themselves and us. Paying the Zakat before the congregational prayer would be advisable. The Zakat are then given to those who are entitled to receive, such as those who live in poverty.

Upon completing Eid prayers, the Khatib would recite khutbah. Khutbah serves to preach the public. During the khutbah, you should never talk for it decreases your rewards. Engaging yourself in a conversation is not recommended. Unlike Friday prayers, Eid prayer preceds the Khutbah.

Oh yeah, use a seperate route to and from the praying ground. You would be able to meet different people along the way. Offer Eid greetings and smile. You would most likely make your Eid, and their Eid too!

please kindly correct me if I posted anything false.

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