Saturday 18 April 2015

shoe-safe guarantee

Back in the land of calorie-laden food! 

Sure, fun to see my family and all that, but let's focus on the main point here...

Is it just me, or boutiques are crazy popping up in Bangi? I'm not a jubah person (as you would already know...) but man, these places have the nicest jubahs in the world. 

We went to several stores with Aunty M to choose her birthday present (fail). Our efforts weren't in vain though, because I did learn something that day - well, more like, pondered something.


I assume the logic behind shoe removal is for hygiene reasons, or they're worried we'll get their wooden floors pierced by stiletto heels?

But what if some people feel exposed or vulnerable upon removing their shoes? And how would you guarantee that we'll see them again when we leave the store? You never know if a cat would nick those shoes outside, do you...

Some don't even give salaam! Please, go ahead and coldly look at me in the eye and then ignore me, so nice to shop here.

Bahahah forgive me, clearly something horrible has gotten into me.