It's Ramadhan now, woohoo.
I told Faiz that everything is a super blessed bonus, kind of like a bonus level you have in games where every score is awe-struckingly multiplied.
I'm positive that everyone would want to make the most out of Ramadhan while it lasts, eh?
A schoolmate of mine once pointed out that Ramadhan is not merely fasting and tarawih, suhoor and breaking fast, and not about sleeping from after zuhur till half-an-hour before Maghrib because we're too tired to do anything, too, of course.
Ramadhan is a truly prosperous month, and I read this teeny quote somewhere; if a Muslim realises just how blissful Ramadhan is, he would want Ramadhan to be there throughout the year.
As for me, I find it magical how Ramadhan seem to transform everyone into a goody-two-shoes version of themselves.
Typically, in between classes, my classmates and I would just have conversations with one another (or in my case, doing our little karaoke sessions, excitedly sharing the fan fiction we read yesterday, or simply bantering). In Ramadhan, however, just as soon as the teacher wraps it up, as if on cue, everyone picks up their respective Qurans and immediately start reciting.
Those who don't cover up, cover. Those who delay prayer, pray after Adzan.
The cherry on top would be that during the 30-day period, they get used to their altered habits. It kind of gets under their skin and the next thing we know, they changed for good. Ramadhan surely is a turning point for the most of us.
May Allah keep us steadfast on the Deen, even after Ramadhan! (not that I want Ramadhan to leave).
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