It's the school holiday... and I'm super bored. Been wasting my time playing games, reading FanFics and writing my own.
So... anyway... as I was too bored, I kinda browsed through the mails in my inbox. And I read all those stuff I sent to people during the old days.
This was the first email that I sent. Very very childish with all those pink fonts and emoticon all over.
In fact, the content of the email itself was err... I don't know. I was simply mumbling on how I love Nutella and bread for breakfast, and that Sarah and Alya are 10 years old and abah had 3 children. Nonsense.Assalaamu"alaikum wr wbAbah,Wie geth`s? Was machst du jetzt?...heute ist sehr kalt .Wir sind kaputt. Am nachmittag, wir gehen nach zu die hause alle suzammen.Tanz du gern?Es tut mir lied... Ich mag am liebsten brot mit nutella und brot mit nuss marmaladen fur fruchstuck.Heute ich gehe ins schule mit Afiq und mama um 7 uhr.Sarah und Alya ist meine besten freundin.Sie sind 10 jahre alt.Du habst 3 kinder und wir lieben dich. Wir einfraulen dich.
Ich liebe dich, sehr.Tchuss!Herzliche grusse,sabrina13/11/2007
My deutsch is fading very very quickly, took me a while before I can actually understand what I wrote.
Anyway. This is the first mail I've received, (well, other then the Welcome to Yahoo thing), from Abah of course, since it's the reply.
Assalamualaikum My dearest daughter,
Indeed, Abah is exteremely delighted to read your first german letter to me. Please continue to do so. Would love to see, if possible Afiq and Faiz's letters too!
So you enjoyed eating the bread with nutella and marmalade? (hahaha.. I hope I am right). Would like to apologise for my limitation on deutsche but it doesnt matter. I just love to see your words.
So Sarah and Aliya have both reached 10 years? Well congratulations to them for reaching a beautiful 10 years..
Abah is currently doing work at the office. Normally abah goes home at around 8pm, just in time for Isya' prayers. After a bit of TV and Quran of a few pages, Abah normally goes to sleep. Our house is looking as good as before and I really miss you, afiq and faiz.
Ich Lieber dich too!!
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