And oh, Happy Birthday Alya, may Allah bless you always. Have a blast!
Friday, 29th June, 2012
Something terrible happened, and because of it, I was terribly late for school. I was at a loose end, and I really did not want to attend school, until I remembered how Ain and Amalin kept reminding me to come... for reasons that I don't even know... yet.
I rushed, and Alhamdulillah, I managed to arrive at school on time. Still, it was slightly late for a prefect though. I was almost running, and as I reached 1 Hamzah, even Izwan had this "dude-you're-so-late" look on his face.
After the Quran-reciting session ended, I went to class and found a white, translucent plastic bag.
I smirked. Must've been Ain and Amalin's work. No wonder they kept bugging me with "Sab, please come tomorrow?" "You're going to school, right?"
I was secretly hoping for a whole cake... okay I'm kidding. So I shared the slice with the girls of 3 Abu Bakar. The boys were out as they had SUKANTARA, meh it's not like I'm going to share with them if they were present anyway.
After Mama fetched me from school, I waited until the Jumaat prayers was over at home. Abah planned to take me out to buy me my birthday gift, unfortunately the nearest place for me to get them was the Low Yat Plaza - well, let's just say that it's irrelevant to be going there on a Friday afternoon.
So instead of buying my birthday present, we went to Yummie to get some supplies for my Red Velvet cake pops.
Saturday, 30th June, 2012
Yay it's my birthday! Alhamdulillah for reaching fifteen.
Went to Being Me Conference, MATRADE. I suppose I am not capable of elaborating more. Perhaps you could go here instead. Captivating talks, kiosks, fashion show, manicure & pedicure, yadda yadda.
"Being ME – Muslimah Empowered embarks upon this mission to give Muslimah’s an outlet to express the reality of their lifestyles, share accomplishments that benefit humanity and inspire others to do the same. This is the inaugural Islamic Women’s Conference in Malaysia that allows the opportunity to address the daily challenges facing the Muslim Woman today." -from the website
Nothing much - cake pops preps, Abah flew to Oman.
Sunday, 1st July, 2012
More cake pops. Never thought it would be so exhausting. Final products were far off expectations, but there's always a first try so Alhamdulillah. Failed to produce something similar to Pint Sized Baker's.
Actual turnout looking disastrous
Monday, 2nd July, 2012
Brought everything to school - cake, cake pops, paper plates, serviettes and disposable forks. Shared everything with everyone. I suppose the class was happy? Alhamdulillah.
Hats off to Mama, Abah, Amalin & Ain, Sarah, Hannani, the class, and most importantly, thank you Allah, for giving me the opportunity to live and breath in this world for fifteen years and more to come insya-Allah. Alhamdulillah.
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