This year, our Mondays and Thursdays would end at 2.50pm instead of the usual 2.15pm. Here's to wasting spending more time at school :(
Our koko - Malay slang for co-curricular activities - would usually be around 3.30pm to 5pm, so most of the students will just have their lunch and do Zuhur prayers without going home. It's really a blessing to see beautiful girls standing next to one another, performing Zuhur Salaah in congregation, Alhamdulillah.
Here's the catch though: the praying garments are... um... *squeals*
One telekung with torn hem, another one seems like it's been worn since 2009, that one over there has stains all over it...
A very 'picturesque' sight, you see.
Not that I'm complaining, because I may be held accountable as well.
But these are what we can do.
1. Help with laundry. I am pretty sure that the telekungs are constantly being washed by the surau's personnel, but it's always noble to lend a helping hand. Who doesn't like Downy telekungs? Or squeaky clean telekungs that smell like Softlan? Say, bring the pair of praying garment we used home, wash it, bring it back to school. A person uses it, and we'll get free pahala.
2. Donate praying garments. I noticed that during prayer times, there a lot of girls casually sitting at the back of the surau. They're not gossiping /coughs coughs/, of course, they're doing the signature "tengah tunggu telekung". The thing about donating is that we could just give out anything; be it used ones (make sure they're decent and usable) or newly purchased garments. Think sadaqah jariah.
On average, I would say that one pair of praying garment is most likely to be used more than thrice, especially during koko days where some students perform their Asar prayer at school. More people using our telekung = more rewards we get, if God wills.
Take your adornment while praying, Allah says. (Quran, 7:31)
You know, like if you wear Zara when hanging out with your friends (admit it, girls would want to look fab)... what about hanging out with God...
Besides, you know you'd love to prostrate to Allah in something lovely, right?
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