Monday, 30 June 2014

bonus level

It's Ramadhan now, woohoo. 

I told Faiz that everything is a super blessed bonus, kind of like a bonus level you have in games where every score is awe-struckingly multiplied. 

I'm positive that everyone would want to make the most out of Ramadhan while it lasts, eh? 

A schoolmate of mine once pointed out that Ramadhan is not merely fasting and tarawih, suhoor and breaking fast, and not about sleeping from after zuhur till half-an-hour before Maghrib because we're too tired to do anything, too, of course. 

Ramadhan is a truly prosperous month, and I read this teeny quote somewhere; if a Muslim realises just how blissful Ramadhan is, he would want Ramadhan to be there throughout the year

As for me, I find it magical how Ramadhan seem to transform everyone into a goody-two-shoes version of themselves. 

Typically, in between classes, my classmates and I would just have conversations with one another (or in my case, doing our little karaoke sessions, excitedly sharing the fan fiction we read yesterday, or simply bantering). In Ramadhan, however, just as soon as the teacher wraps it up, as if on cue, everyone picks up their respective Qurans and immediately start reciting. 

Those who don't cover up, cover. Those who delay prayer, pray after Adzan. 

The cherry on top would be that during the 30-day period, they get used to their altered habits. It kind of gets under their skin and the next thing we know, they changed for good. Ramadhan surely is a turning point for the most of us. 

May Allah keep us steadfast on the Deen, even after Ramadhan! (not that I want Ramadhan to leave).


Friday, 27 June 2014

4 steps to 11

Ok guys, 11A+s eh? Easy.

I wasn't in school today, so I pondered about it...



1. Focus in class

My lab mates and I have this thing called exchanging stories and fangirling in class. So basically, what you do is, you either sing, share something you found on tumblr, or have shushed conversation with the person next to you, passionately telling her about your new boyfriend who apparently doesn't even know you and lives in a different timezone (it's ok, we feel you, Ain's in love with Luke, so is Amalin with Jack...)

We're so engrossed and focused in imagining situations that would probably never happen in a million years in our studies, even the teacher doesn't interrupt.

2. Get enough sleep

courtesy of theramencup

You know how they say that in order to be a top scorer, you've got to stay alert and stuff, and you're gonna have to sleep for at least 6-8 hours to unwind? Yeah? Well, ok, 30 minutes during Sejarah, 30 minutes in Biology, a couple of 30-mins sometime else, and huzzah, before you know it, 6 hours: DONE. This is so easy.

3. Help one another

One of the fundamentals! I teach my desk mates how to bake cookies, Amalin preaches about her precious belongings (including a Petrosains dino), Ain gave a tutorial to my desk partner how to log on into tumblr, all our lessons held during classes. We're all cool with sharing knowledge, they stay in mind longer like that.

4. Be brave and ask

Sometimes lectures really are baffling (think Chemistry and Physics?) Say if you're confused of how you should do this and that, don't be shy to ask! It's not like people still eat one another. Cannibalism is so over (never again, na'udzu billahi min zalik). I'm the Common Law and Leverage encyclopaedia, remember? For qestions on 5SOS and One Direction, kindly contact Amalin Kamilah and Qurratul 'Ain. I'm not sure if they have Meet & Greet or VIP passes, but it could be worth to ask.

With all these 4 steps in hand, you're all set to 11A+!

Ok, ok, I'm kidding.

the walking book


SCHOOL HOLIDAYS! Woohoo. Of course, you would have guessed how I spent (and spending) it.

I’ve always been a huge Leverage fan. You could ask me, like, in which episode did Parker and Eliot went lost in those snowy mountains? Easy, The Long Way Down Job, Season 4 Episode 1. What does Hardison have in his fridge? Loaaads of orange fizz. So really, ask me anything, and I’ll answer it in a breeze.

And then there’s Common Law. I was devastated when it got cancelled. I’m like your walking Common Law encyclopaedia. What was Wes and Travis’ joint custody thing? Hudson the dog. How did Travis get his name? The fireman that saved him

Trust me, you question and I could very much explain everything in detail.

Here’s the thing though…

Which one is the ayat in which Allah told us to dress modestly?” Wait… let me google that...

What does this ayat mean? Is it about being kind to animals?” One second, I’ll go get my tafseer.

It’s extremely depressing. No, make that horrifying. 

Let’s face the spine-chilling, blood-curdling truth - one day, my life, the whole world is going to end and I am not even prepared for it. 

If I could have all those sinful ridicules (really, how do you go to Jannah with Leverage??) in my head, why not the Quran?

Imagine how beautiful our lives would be if we have the ayats of the Quran embedded within our soul. MasyaAllah it is so heart-warming to see little kids, my friends, having memorised the whole book of Allah by heart. Ask them anything, and they’ll help you. They practically live and breath the Quran.

May us all be the walking book of God’s words.

going places

Places my mum allows me to go alone to:

School (like duh...)
Aunties and uncles' (basically relatives... come on)
More airports
Indonesia (aside from Jakarta, I mean)

Places my mum DOES NOT allow me to go alone to:


there has to be an explanation behind this. 

yay june!


Goodness. Time flies so fast. It’s already May 2014, and soon it’ll be June (of course you silly, you’d think it’d be January after May???) but anyway, JUUUNE! MY BIRTHDAY.

You see the best thing about birthdays is… you know… sorting out your wish list. And then at one point, sometimes you want a watch, sometimes you think of a Barbie doll (cough cough), sometimes you say you need a new bag, and so on and so forth…

And then if you’re like me, you might end up not having any present from your dad, because you really don’t know what to choose. It’s the only time when your dad is going to buy that ridiculous thing for you, the one he said cannot fifty times, so you'd have to make a wise decision. 

Birthdays are nice, really. You’re literally showered with gifts, man!

But yesterday, on my way to school, I listened to an enlightening tazkirah by an Ustaz on the radio. 

He said something along the lines of;

“Birthdays… you think it’s so cool because people hand you presents. You expect them to spoil you. But if you think about it in detail - you’d realise that YOU are the one who should be giving out presents. To whom? To your mum, for carrying you in her womb until the day you were bornTo your dad, who ran around frantically trying to find diapers and making sure the house is nice for you when you’re finally out.”

Wow. May Allah keep us all in remembrance of how much we owe Mum and Dad.

Uh... Ustaz should’ve said that after my birthday la. (Haha just kidding!)

But Ustaz… presents from friends ok or not?? Ok what, friends didn’t have to bear the burden of having me in their tummy, right? So um, Amalin, Ain, Alya, this from you ok??

to swatch or not to swatch

I am so, so, confused.

Every time I see somebody wearing a Swatch (doesn't matter if it's a burgundy New Gent, a stripy Skin, or a checkerboard Irony), aside from feeling an overwhelming irritant, I go all Swatch is too mainstream, I shall now go back to Barbie. No exceptions.

And I'll make some mental note to check out adult-friendly Barbie watches because I am now 16, duh

I shall never buy a Swatch ever again, I would say. No mainstream stuffOh yeah... Can also save up for college.

I deleted the most recent unread email from Swatch. Ahh, so steadfast this one.

I almost declared myself as Swatch-free. I wore none to school for almost two weeks now.

But today I found myself here and um... my resolutions went down the drain. 

Too cute; too sophisticated; too swatch. Can't handle the pressure.




This year, our Mondays and Thursdays would end at 2.50pm instead of the usual 2.15pm. Here's to wasting spending more time at school :(

Our koko - Malay slang for co-curricular activities - would usually be around 3.30pm to 5pm, so most of the students will just have their lunch and do Zuhur prayers without going home. It's really a blessing to see beautiful girls standing next to one another, performing Zuhur Salaah in congregation, Alhamdulillah.

Here's the catch though: the praying garments are... um... *squeals*

One telekung with torn hemanother one seems like it's been worn since 2009that one over there has stains all over it...

A very 'picturesque' sight, you see.

Not that I'm complaining, because I may be held accountable as well.

But these are what we can do.

1. Help with laundry. I am pretty sure that the telekungs are constantly being washed by the surau's personnel, but it's always noble to lend a helping hand. Who doesn't like Downy telekungs? Or squeaky clean telekungs that smell like Softlan? Say, bring the pair of praying garment we used home, wash it, bring it back to school. A person uses it, and we'll get free pahala.

2. Donate praying garments. I noticed that during prayer times, there a lot of girls casually sitting at the back of the surau. They're not gossiping /coughs coughs/, of course, they're doing the signature "tengah tunggu telekung". The thing about donating is that we could just give out anything; be it used ones (make sure they're decent and usable) or newly purchased garments. Think sadaqah jariah.

On average, I would say that one pair of praying garment is most likely to be used more than thrice, especially during koko days where some students perform their Asar prayer at school. More people using our telekung = more rewards we get, if God wills.

Take your adornment while praying, Allah says. (Quran, 7:31)

You know, like if you wear Zara when hanging out with your friends (admit it, girls would want to look fab)... what about hanging out with God...

Besides, you know you'd love to prostrate to Allah in something lovely, right?

so domestic


I love my Bibi. I do. Alhamdulillah I have been blessed to have (and had) two wonderful women taking care of me at home. 

The first one was Bibi A, who sticked with me since my very first years up to the point where I was a jumpy 8-year old. When she had to return to Wonosobo, Indonesia, I was devastated. Fortunately, a few months later, my granddad and I had a lovely grandpa-granddaughter trip to Jogja and paid a visit to Bibi A's house. I was in tears when we departed to the airport, knowing that I won't be having Bibi A around (so what if I wailed, I was 9, get over it, haha).

Soon came Bibi Y, who replaced Bibi A. She is an amazing cook (she makes really good lasagna), a tech savvy, and one whom I insisted that she learn how to drive. Of course when she first came I felt a little distant, but now, gee I love her so much. Bibi Y flew to Malaysia when I was in Year 3, and is currently on a holiday in Jawa Tengah.

My parents frequently (and jokingly) mock me for the fact that I can't even fry an egg. Pffft I can bake and frost delicate cakes - could you do that when you were 16, Mama? Haa.

There was that one time in class when my Sejarah teacher asked me if I could make some ikan goreng and I had to sheepishly mumble "Boleh, kot..." and tolerate the whole class snickering. Oh, I bet you guys don't even know how to make ikan goreng, too. I'm not the only one, pffft.

Normally, when Bibi Y is enjoying her one-month holiday (probably off on a beach with a juice and the mini umbrella thing with her son right now), Bibi A will come to our aid. She'd fly to KL and I'd be the happiest person alive. Over the years, we grew very close and I used to have conversations with her daughters once in a blue moon.

However, Bibi A is nearing her senior citizen years and in order to respect her... I won't be having her as a Bibi anymore. 

and that, is, why, I am bibi-less this school holiday. 

or not really that bibi-less, as my aunt's Bibi, Bibi H, comes during the day on weekdays.

But Bibi H is at my cousin's on weekends, and even if she's here from Mon till Fri, she has my baby cousin to take care of, so yes, I can be considered as bibi-less.

So I learnt how to steam iron on YouTube! So proud of myself. (I bet you didn't know how to steam iron clothes when you're 16, Abah, haha). I also ironed Abah's trousers! I improved, the last time I ironed my tudung it got burnt and had to be thrown away - bibi Y laughed a little too much before blabbing on the proper way of ironing.

Abah thinks that I can't sweep. Ha, I swept and wiped the floor, it's squeaky clean now. *winks at Bibi for teaching*

I do laundry everyday! It's really easy, I mean, you just press a few buttons and voila, they're all clean. The folding part is a bit tricky, and if I can't resort on using hangers, those pants and shirts are going to look like a hastily flipped omelette. 

My bibi is garang, ok. Bibi Y would kill me if I ever messed the stack of clothing she meticulously folded. 

Despite her being strict and all, I am so, so, grateful to have Bibi Y, because otherwise the whole house would turn upside down, all the insides jumbled up as if our house had just been destroyed by a tornado (naudzubillahi min zalik). Cepat balik, bibi! Hehe.

My parents constantly remind me to love and respect our Bibi. They take care of us, bathe us when we're kids, teach us a lot of things that we can't personally get elsewhere, like being grateful for what we have and to count our blessings. Y'all crying for iPhone5s, my bibi's husband passed away when she was pregnant with their first son, can't afford to have a house, yet she's very strong, and she takes things in her stride.

God bless us with so much that we lose track of it sometimes, forgetting how He can take it all away in a flash.

my kind of syllabus

I'm in the middle of my finals, but I couldn't help but to post this teeny weeny post.

Spent a few gruesome days being friends with my textbook and well... it's not entirely my fault if I came up with this.

You know what I'd much rather do?

If given the choice, I would choose...

Potions over Chemistry.

History of Magic over Sejarah/History.

Quidditch/flying lessons over PJK/PE.

Care of Magical Creatures over Biology.

Arithmancy over Maths.

Ancient Runes over English & BM

and do all the others (ok fine, I just couldn't decide on what their Muggle equivalent are); Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Astronomy, Divination, Herbology (probably gonna hate this one though).

Pretty sure I'm more than happy to study for the Os. Straight O's, even.

super cool tutorial right here

move it



Instagram is brilliant, really. It's lovely how I could see my friends' life through their respective lenses.

I was on the pc website, and my hands were just resting on top of the keyboard (aside from scrolling down, of course, that's the right hand).

Abah told me to raise my right hand. It was so out of the blue, but I obeyed.

He continued, "Good. Now turunkan sikit..." and I did what I was told. "Sikit lagi..." and boom.

Guess what my hand came into contact with.

What a bummer. It was my chemistry reference book. It turned out that I inadvertently placed my Success book juuuuust beside my laptop.

"Not funny."

Then he laughed, grabbed his keys and entertained Afiq's continuous request for bread, at 9pm on a Thursday.

My End-of-Year exam is in 2 weeks. I flipped the pages, searched for interesting images, and it was barely two minutes before I slammed it close. I googled some useless stuff, and a few minutes later, I heard his car.

Immediately I shut the laptop, went back to the book, pretended I was reading.

Bhahahahah. Sorry Abah, you know I love you so much. (he reads my blog, creepy, I know).

living in aotearoa



If there's a quirky thing about me (I mean, one from a whole lot of quirks), I'd say... I can never live far from airports without hyperventilating. What if something happens and I can't migrate? What if there's no decent store in town and I am unable to buy what I wantWhat would I do if I needed to fly on that very day

There was that one time when I told my man - he's my dad, I'm still as fine - I'd like to reside in New Zealand. He then inquired, which part? 

That question sent me down memory lane for a while.

Christchurch is a good choice. City centre, huge airport, shopping malls. 
Auckland is practical. The capital of NZ, after all.
Queenstown is absolutely magnificent mashaAllah. But it's surrounded by mountains (that's what makes it picturesque, you silly).
Twizel shines (the stars, of course) but then again... I need huge airports. 

My two fave guys trying to soak one another... maybe.

...and soon I was back in the pearls of New Zealand, namely Wanaka, Milford Sound, Fox Glacier... and such beautiful places I can always be amazed at for days on end.

By far, my favourite tourist destinations would be Queenstown and Vienna. My fellow peers would choose Paris or London - gorgeous, I admit, but classics are my cup of tea. 

As much as I love Queenstown for all it boasts - the skiing, the lakes, the buildings, I'd choose Christchurch/Auckland over that, for Christchurch and Auckland are hugely populated cities. The environment is just as considerably wonderful.

"But who's going to live with me?" Abah pretended to cry aka smirking with that mischievous look of his. I know when the time comes, he'd be like, go awaaaay. Haha.

"Fine, I'll just live in kl and buy a duplex." Pffft.

tearing stomachs with log



It's the second week of exam aftermath, and so far I've been... well... Alhamdulillah, I'm okay. Heheh.

Our Add. Maths. teacher handed us our papers today, and oh boy, t'wasn't what I expected but I'm grateful for the A, Alhamdulillah.

The questions were just on Indices & Logarithms, so there weren't any simultaneous equation, inverse function thingamajigs. 

What I enjoyed the most was probably the conversation I had with Maziah.

"It'd be super cool to get an A+. I mean, like, I've never gotten A+ for add maths." Yes, I am still hoping for a miracle.

"I know right." Maziah nodded.

Right on cue, the teacher (one of my favourite teachers too) announced, "A guy in 4-" - I wasn't exactly paying attention to his class - "was the highest in his class. He scored 95."

"Oh well, not that I'd want to be a mathematician anyway. I saw his bio on Twitter." I mumbled.

"I know that Add. Maths. is important, but who operates people with log?" Maziah raised her eyebrows. She's a future obstetrician or a gynaecologist... or both?

"Ain probably loves these stuff." I replied, eyes fixed on my own paper. "I'd learn investment and all... and hire an accountant.

This post isn't meant to offend the guy or to brag. It's generally about the conversation. And yep, I do realise we'll use Add Maths in the near future (tertiary education).

shawwal 1434H



Taqabbalallahu minna wa minkum. May Allah accept our deeds in the succeeding month of Ramadhan. 

I deeply apologise for my wrongdoings, my hey-it's-not-nice-to-blog-something-like-that, my words... basically my everything. Hehe.

Recently, I wrote a Niexter article on Eid Etiquette. Thought I'd share it here.

The Dos and Dont's of Eid-ul-Fitr are highlighted. 

Eid Etiquette

Eid-ul-Fitr would be one of the meritorious aspects of Shawal, the month succeeding Ramadhan. During this prosperous time of the year, Islam has prescribed an elegant approach of celebrating. There are several do's and don't's when observing this day.

First and foremost, wake up early. It is recommended to take a bath after dawn for Eid prayer. Put on your best clothes. For Malaysians, the customary practice would be to wear baju kurung, baju kebaya or jubah. The men would have their baju Melayu's on. Don't overdress! You're not going to a birthday party, afterall.

Before going out to the mosque with your family, have breakfast. You may opt for some good, mouth-watering ketupat or rendang if you like. However, it is narrated that the Prophet would consume dates and they are usually odd-numbered. Eating in the morning emphasizes the fact that the one-month fasting in Ramadhan has ended. Besides, it is forbidden to fast on the first of Shawwal.

Ever wondered about the calls that you hear in the morning? That's the takbeer! Takbeer starts from the night before Eid. Whether you're in the car or simply on foot to the mosque, recite takbeer. The moment the Imam enters to lead Eid prayer, the period of takbeer would end.

Once you're at the mosque, you would witness a huge number of Muslims gathered in different hues of traditional attires. Offer Eid prayer in congregation. This once-in-a-year prayer may be performed at any time between sunrise until the sun reaches its zenith. Preferably, Eid prayers are to be performed at a conducive open field. Nevertheless, it can also be done in a mosque that can accommodate plenty of people.

An obligation for every adult Muslim that has more wealth than that of the amount they need is to pay Zakat-al-Fitr. Normally, our parents pay on behalf of themselves and us. Paying the Zakat before the congregational prayer would be advisable. The Zakat are then given to those who are entitled to receive, such as those who live in poverty.

Upon completing Eid prayers, the Khatib would recite khutbah. Khutbah serves to preach the public. During the khutbah, you should never talk for it decreases your rewards. Engaging yourself in a conversation is not recommended. Unlike Friday prayers, Eid prayer preceds the Khutbah.

Oh yeah, use a seperate route to and from the praying ground. You would be able to meet different people along the way. Offer Eid greetings and smile. You would most likely make your Eid, and their Eid too!

please kindly correct me if I posted anything false.

studying: not my thing


"How do you study?"

Riiiiiiight. The question that sends me grinning sheepishly every single time.

"Let me just... eh. I'll..." - this would be me fumbling for words.

There are times when I just wish that I could be like one of those girls who'd say, "Oh, I do this and that, plus I make sure of this and that... yadda yadda yadda," confidently.

If you think that this post boasts effective study methods, let me advice you on one thing: close it.

It's not.

My best friends would know just how lazy I am.

Let me show you the truth.

1) Liars

After the final day of Summative One, this was Ain and me;

"Oh my God this was the most horrible thing ever. I should have studied like a month earlier or something. 
"Yep, for Formative Two, I'm going to study way way earlier. No more last minute-studies."

Three days before Formative Two, this was our conversation;

"Wei it's so scary I haven't studied anything. 
"Omg me too! It's okay, bantai can lah.

So much for dreaming big.

I guess some would say that studying a week or a fortnight earlier would be good. I don't know, I have never tried this.

If I used that method, I would've forgotten 50% (or 100%) of the little details by the day of the exam. Haha.

So I choose to study the night before. That way, I'd be able to retain a lot more.

So that's why sometimes studying at the last minute is okay and I love doing it... or that's probably because I'm too lazy. Pfft.

2) Eh let's watch movies

My parents rock.

Now, if you think that my parents are always beside me saying "Honey, you can do this. It's only a few more chapters." or "Please study, I will buy you a lot of ice cream!" or "Come, let me help you with Chemistry," well then, you're confused of somebody else's parents.

In my case... it's the other way round. When my parents see me revising, they'd be like;

"Eh what are you doing, you've been on that way too long."
"Hey let's check out this Hansgrohe tap?"
"We're going shopping. Come on, let's get you a new pair of shoes."

Oh yes, the occasional "Let's go watch movies. There's this new movie that seems to be cool blablabla-"

And then the despicable thing was, I'd say yes.

But hey, isn't it good to relax? (I do understand that watching movies is probably lagha, do correct me) Really, if you're all too stressed out, it's pretty hard to keep things up there, especially phospholipid bilayer or meiosis or some other weird stuff that I have absolutely no idea about.

And besides, not studying sometimes make you feel really guilty, and you end up studying after getting home because weiii you don't wanna fail.

3) The Duchess of Procrastination

It is a well known fact that I'm really, undeniably, extremely, without-a-doubt, drop-dead annoy lazy.

Even if there's a month before the deadline, I'd still send it in on the final day (or the day before to make me look diligent and goody-two-shoes).

You won't see me sitting at the study table with a 500ml bottle of Spritzer. I don't do that. Freaky. I try to memorise (it stays longer if you memorise and not read) whilst laying on the sofa, posting on Twitter or crushing candies on Candy Crush. Even on exam days, I stay up late... not to burn the midnight oil studying, but to game. Heh.


I enjoy being educated but school is a definite NO. When it comes to creative writing or journalism however, oh I love my laptop to death.

Please make lots of du'a for us! We'll be sitting Formative Two next week, starting 29th of July.

or you could just wake me up from my deep slumber when it ends. 

p/s: for study tips, please kindly contact Qurratul 'Ain. She's good. Bhahaha. 

every single time



It is a common thing to be asked on your ambition. That's like the basic rule of ice-breaking.

It is NOT a common thing to say "I'd like to be an entrepreneur." in my school. (outside school, however, it is common and a good thing to say, as a matter of fact haha)

So basically every time I mention my ambition, I would receive echoes of "Huh?" "Apa?" "Photographer?" "WHAAT?"

Seriously guys? Seriously?!

Hope these help

Pictures were gotten off google. 

when you give da'wah



When you give Da'wah to someone and they tell you to mind your own business, tell them: You are my business, because I'll be questioned for my silence.

-Dr Zakir Naik 

taking the next step



This was published somewhat months and months ago, but I had only found out about it now. Still looking for the copy... in case anyone does, do inform me please? Hahah.

Headline: Taking the next step
Publication: NST
Date of publication: Feb 7, 2013
Section heading: School Times
Page number: 018
Byline / Author: By Sabrina Zaid

BUCKLE up guys, Form Four is going to be a topsy-turvy ride, I said to my best friends, Amalin and Ain as we gathered at school for the first time in 2013. It was a new phase of our lives as students. We were now in Form Four.

Every year, our school organises an orientation programme for Form Four students. Aimed at assisting us adapt to a new class, the programme was held over three days. On the first day, our orientation began with a brief introduction to the new subjects we would be engaged in. Undoubtedly, the thought of Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Additional Mathematics gave us the willies.

I couldn't help but remember how hectic our schedules were when we were in Form Three. Preparations for PMR had us running on fumes.

A facilitator's voice interrupted my train of thought. He was in charge of the ice-breaking session. In order to determine which group we would be in, a game was given us. Each of us had to draw a random piece of a puzzle from a huge pile. There were many sets of puzzles, and I had to search for my peers who possessed the corresponding tiles to the one I had. Once assembled, the pieces should form a national flag. I was fortunate to have found my teammates in a flash. Meticulously, we constructed the puzzle and, to our astonishment, the Brazilian flag was formed.

As we proceeded to the second day, I felt butterflies in my stomach. Our experienced teachers had arranged personality tests for us. The purpose was to guide us in choosing our stream, whether it would be the Science or the Accounting stream.

Luck was on our side, as our teachers provided detailed information regarding available streams. They explained the career opportunities, which were extremely essential for us to achieve our ambitions.

The evening approached, and there was another game - Battlefield. This time, it was us versus our facilitators.

The approach was simple. Facilitators threw water balloons, and we dodged the balloons. We played the role of Palestine and felt a tinge of repentance in our hearts. We learned how crucial solidarity is and that unity is strength.

On the final day, the respected school counsellor, Ayah Haji, gave us an illuminating speech. He advised us that Form Four is not a honeymoon year and it is imperative for us not to settle things at the 11th hour. As the saying goes, time is gold. After all, we can't possibly turn back the hands of time.

As the programme came to an end, excitement soon overcame my fear of being in Form Four. I was determined to turn over a new leaf. Not only did the orientation benefit us, it also made our first days of school most remarkable.

piling up



(this post may seem to be a rant on shopping, but trust me, it's not... haha.)

For the past few days, I have been drooling over Swatch online. Those straps are heart-breaking.

Oh, my latest Swatch purchase went lost in the post. I got over it real quick though.

To rub salt into the wound, I was mesmerised by these Converse platform sneakers.

Much to my dismay, most websites don't provide delivery/shipping to Malaysia. And I was too shy to get it delivered to Auntie Zainab.

It surprised me. How girly had I become? Bhahaha. Shopping is not usually my thing, unless it's something that I really love.

A few months ago, I organised my bookmarks. I have this bookmark folder for "Shoppings", to which I saved websites to buy gifts or anything I have the urge to.

After paying a good visit to a number of websites, I decided that to be fair, I shall open other folders as well.

I chose the 'Islam' folder and clicked on one of the articles that I had saved.

I went through the selected one and boy, was I stunned.

The article was on Surah At-Takathur, The Mutual Rivalry.

1. The words alhakum at-takathur of the original are too vast in meaning to be fully explained in a passage. Alhakum is from lahv which originally means heedlessness, but in Arabic this word is used for every occupation which engrosses man so completely that he becomes heedless of the more important things in life.

-My craze for more and more worldly gains (aka Swatch) has made me heedless.

2. That is, you spend your whole life in the same craze and endeavor, until the time comes when you must die and leave the world.

-I spent a lot of time browsing watches online.

3. That is, you are under the delusion that the abundance of the worldly goods and surpassing others in it is real progress and success, whereas the opposite is the case. Soon you will know its evil end and you will realize that it was a stupendous error in which you remained involved throughout your life. Soon may mean the Hereafter.

-I wanted more Swatch even when I had enough... wasting my parent's money.

Right. I stumbled upon this article juuuuust when I was crazy to shop.