Monday 16 March 2015

how do you skirt

Ignore those pictures. That's just Amalin blocking what would have been some beautiful view. Bahah.

How do people wear maxi skirts? Do they have a superpower that I know nothing about? 

I could pull skirts off with baju kurung, but other than that, I truly, truly, fail.

I know Amalin puts on skirts for everyday use, and I thought, what would it hurt right? I was wrong.

It keeps touching the floor oh my God. Plus it's soooo flowy and smooth it's weird. I have no idea what I did, but the skirt managed to get a tiny smudge of mud on it and I. just. wanted. my. pants. back. OK??? I don't deserve this kind of pure torture. Whoever invented pants (and high heels), I love you.

Needless to say, I only wore the skirt once. It's been in the closet ever since. 

And then, there are girls whose skirts are their travel staples - be it a trip to the zoo, beach picnic with all the wet sand in the world, climbing up the Eiffel tower - let's face it, they might even go the Amazonian jungles in a skirt.

I'm pretty sure this is sorcery, guys. 

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