Tuesday, 24 March 2015

God's little (big) gift

Shoutout to the most beautiful people out there, whoever you are!

I think it really is a blessing from God when you know how to make people happy, and how you radiate happiness to those around you. I mean, masyaAllah dude you just know all sorts of way to bring happiness to people.

Say you might get a teeny weeny bit sad or frustrated when people don't do the same to you, but friend, they might not have the same talent as you do... forgive them, yeah?

If you feel unappreciated because they don't do the same in return, don't worry, I'm sure Allah has lots in store for you, and who knows, somebody, too, has been praying for your well-being, day and night. 

Keep up the good work! 

I pray that Allah will grant you eternal happiness, here, and in the afterlife.

Monday, 16 March 2015

how do you skirt

Ignore those pictures. That's just Amalin blocking what would have been some beautiful view. Bahah.

How do people wear maxi skirts? Do they have a superpower that I know nothing about? 

I could pull skirts off with baju kurung, but other than that, I truly, truly, fail.

I know Amalin puts on skirts for everyday use, and I thought, what would it hurt right? I was wrong.

It keeps touching the floor oh my God. Plus it's soooo flowy and smooth it's weird. I have no idea what I did, but the skirt managed to get a tiny smudge of mud on it and I. just. wanted. my. pants. back. OK??? I don't deserve this kind of pure torture. Whoever invented pants (and high heels), I love you.

Needless to say, I only wore the skirt once. It's been in the closet ever since. 

And then, there are girls whose skirts are their travel staples - be it a trip to the zoo, beach picnic with all the wet sand in the world, climbing up the Eiffel tower - let's face it, they might even go the Amazonian jungles in a skirt.

I'm pretty sure this is sorcery, guys. 

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

blue skies ahead

Bla bla bla, me mumbling some stuff. 

Endless Horizon, Blue Skies Ahead

Do you recall sleepless nights, group discussions over lunch, copying and trading notes with your classmates last November? If your answers are yes, yes and yes, I'm guessing you are one amongst 455,849 students who sat for the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) in 2014. Allow me to extend a hearty congratulations to you!

In 2014, a total of 11,289 students scored straight As in the examination, a slight dip compared to 13,970 students in 2013. Additionally, there is a decrease in the national average grade (GPN), which measures overall performance in the examination. A lower score indicates better achievement, and for 2014, the GPN was 5.08, a short fall of 0.15 from 4.93 in 2013.

How anxious were you on the day results came out? Did you compare your A, B or Cs with your friends and relatives? Put that aside. Just as every snowflake is unique, there could be one hundred reasons for that difference in your number of As. 

Some of us may have exceeded our expectations, whilst some of us may have not. Be optimistic, for opportunities are endless. I know many wonderful, awesomely talented peers whose true potential cannot be measured with their grades. What matters most is the courage, personality and perseverance to explore the new possibilities beyond SPM, not your numbers and letters. Once you have these three keys checked, you will achieve even greater heights. 

Life is bigger than SPM. Look further, my friends!


Shut up shut up... so what if I used my housemate's History textbook...

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Friday, 6 March 2015

expecto patronum

my 2:00 a.m. live stream 

Alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah. Amalin, Ain and Adlin and Amirah are total naturals, I had to strongly refrain myself from saying I told you so

Of course, everything comes from God and Alhamdulillah I have so much to thank Allah for. 

So whilst they are busy with applications here and there... I'll just sit and munch on Kettle. Like, oh look, is that an anxious Amirah in front of a white-fanged, red-eyed interviewer? Haha is that Ain being asked questions by a soul-sucking dementor? COOL. Serves them right for ignoring me on Whatsapp. *eats more chips* 

Mum & Dad's tips on How To gET IT AAAALLLLLL 
Part 1: Applications & Interviews

1. Hey peeps I'm here to show off all my golds
Be humble. But not too humble. Bahahah. If they ask you, what are your hobbies? Don't just stop at "Oh I like to draw." Add on, "I do illustrations for school magazine, and I once sold a portrait for five million US dollars, also I find Leonardo Da Vinci's artwork very fascinating, even my phone case is Van Gogh blablabla" Ok maybe you haven't sold a USD 5,000,000 yet, how would I know.

2. That form doesn't do you justice
I'm telling you, those forms don't have enough space for you to brag. Come on, only three boxes for co-curricular activities? Pfft. You do volunteer work, you recycled stuff, you did socially-desirable YouTube videos - yet you can't put those on application forms. What do you do? This is when you tell them. Alternatively, you prepare a CV (curriculum vitae) and submit it with your form. GAME ON GUYS.

3. Remember that time when you said your hobby was reading
It's okay. Me too. It's all surfing the internet now. But if your wish is to go into Economics, for example, if they ask you what books you read, omg are you honestly prepared to say If I Stay. Read a whole lot of Economics-related books and articles. If you need ideas, I've just finished Martin Lindstrom's Buy-ology and Tim Harford's The Undercover Economist series. (available on MPH online)

4. Be the creep you really are (Amalin we all know you're a creep)
Remember their name. Ok, sorry, didn't mean to sound that cray, but you see that lady who's about to interrogate interview you? Remember her name and title. She'll think highly of you if the first thing you do when you come into the room is, Hello, selamat pagi Professor X. This may sound a bit braggish, but heeeeeey, each time I do this, I win every time. #yay #perasan #berlagak #alabolehlaberlagak 

5. We're cool right? Right?
First things first - be comfortable. Ask your interviewers, How are you? Start a casual conversation, once you've established this, it's more convenient and natural for you to show off. Haha. Don't even feel embarrassed, or care about the fact that they'll judge (because obviously that's the whole point of the interview). Chances are, you're not going to see them ever again after the session anyway. 

6. Dear adults read my heart out
Why do you want to study that particular subject? What are you going to do after you finish studying? What have you done that led you to think that you suit that course? What are your biggest, deepest wish and dreams? To whom or what do you give your passion to? Whip them all up in a 500-word personal statement.

Oh yeah, well, you know, if interviewers get too difficult, just expecto patronum them.